The dictionary describes a weed as one or the other; “a useless plant that grows in the wild, especially a plant that grows on cultivated soil, which excludes or damages the desired harvest.” or “any unwanted or unpleasant plant, especially a plant that grows abundantly where it is undesirable.” Sound familiar? This article will help you determine what kind of look you encountered in your garden, and more importantly, how best to fight weeds.
Fighting weeds is not as easy as it seems. You can dig for hours in the garden, dig a hoe, collect seedlings, dig roots and raise pavers to try to solve the problem, but there is only one solution that is almost always guaranteed to work to destroy weeds – is the use of a remedy for weeds. Before deciding what type of weed fighter you need, it is best to determine the type that you have in the garden so you know when to start weeding.
There are three main categories of weeds:
Each year, these weeds survive only one season, then in the fall scatter their seeds, ready to germinate the next season. Destroying the weeds of this species before planting will prevent them from re-appearing next year. Examples of annual weeds: American star, purple dead nettle, cousions, one-year-old nettles, thick chicken, opium poppy, hairy bitter cherry, annual meadow grass, veronica, yellow oxalis.
Two-year-old – this weed takes a long time to mature, and after two seasons it will be old enough to give seeds, and then perish, allowing the seeds to germinate. The fight against weeds of the two-year variety is best carried out in the first year of growth, when the plant is at ground level. Examples of two-year-old weeds: Pirate milk, evening primrose, borscht, goat beard, borscht, thistle spotted.

Perennial – This weed forms the root system and can live many seasons if left untreated early. These types of weeds are harder to kill because they can survive and reproduce in different ways. They can produce seeds such as annual and two-year-old weeds that can spread over large areas, as well as animals that can eat them, and their roots can breed stems, even if the original plant has been destroyed above the ground by animal pastures or even fire. These roots may be hidden underground until the start of the new season. Examples of perennial weeds: blackberries, sorrel, swirls, wormwood, clover, lupus creeping, elderflower, millstone, dandelion, thistle creeping.
So now you know three types that you need to know when best to fight weeds. As mentioned earlier, weed destruction is by far the best and most effective way to destroy weeds and their roots.
There are two types of plant protection products on the market: selective and indiscriminate. Both have different goals and ways of using them. If you are destroying weeds over a large area, indiscriminateness is the best choice, as it kills any plants that come into contact with. Selective means for the destruction of weeds are designed to destroy weeds of only one species and when used properly should not harm the environment of plants and are mainly used in agriculture, where weeds can develop between crops and therefore must be targeted without harming. Goods.
It is best to destroy the weeds of any of the three types listed above with an indiscriminate means of destroying weeds that attacks not only the foliage but also the roots. When fighting two-year-old weeds, always try to kill them in the spring before they scatter the seeds and cause other problems. If you have a problem with perennial weeds, eliminate them in the first growing season, again before they have time to scatter the seeds that may develop next season.